Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I love that my children love their baby blankets. They love their sucking their thumb blanket/rags. But also love real baby blankets. My almost four year old, was feeling crappy after such a rousing afternoon trip, and after his dinner of applesauce, grabbed his eye spy baby quilt and curled up on the couch. He is also a fan on his train one, and his "dragonhide" blanket. My daughter on the hand is impossible to tell what she will be like in three years. But right now, she still gets swaddled to go to sleep, and loves when we pick up her blanket to wrap her. Yes, she loves her baby blankets too. She loves her baby blankets, while my son loves baby quilts. What more could I ask for in children.
By the way, two weeks is long to have colds, so my son has taken to asking "why do I always need kleenex?"

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