Monday, January 24, 2011

January Blues

I have a tendency toward Seasonal Affective Disorder, so January is quite the blah month for me, (luckily this year hasn't been bad). I need holidays to keep me going through the cold dark months and January is void of such celebrations. Luckily Valentine's is a very busy week for us. To help up get there, my son and I made this:
We made the paper chain the second week of January, 40+ days is a lot of days for a almost 5 year old to count down, but yet he is diligent. Around June when J's cousin has his birthday, J wonders when his is, and he has a long count down, the end up summer, his mom's birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, his baby sister's birthday, Christmas, then after all that, comes Valentine's day, then his birthday. One problem its a month and half between those last two holidays. So we are waiting and dreaming...

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