Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A whole new blog post/ The Legacy

In my previous post, I ended with wanting my children as adults to think, deliberate and look back with no regrets.  
So that is more of what I discussed with a sister in law, what legacy we want to leave for our children. This is what I've been thinking about.
  1. I want my children to love my religion number one.  I don't want them to come up with every excuse under the sun on why they didn't go to church on sunday, I want them to love to be there like me.  Or maybe just love to serve like my husband.
  2. I want my children to love spending time with the family, to love being outdoors together
  3. I want them to be confident readers no matter what it takes, and enjoy learning their whole lives.  You know that excitement all small kids have at learning new things, I don't want that to stop for them.
  4. Obviously I already said I want them to live a life of no regrets.  But not a careless life, a life of confidence, a life where they are willing to step on a limb and try something hard, but worthwhile. I want them to be sure of who they are and what they want.  Even if the specifics change from time to time.
  5. Once again, I want them to be independent I don't want them wards on anyone.  I want them to feel capable and independent, to their own various needs and capabilities.
So maybe the goals, and legacies completely overlap.  I'm really grateful I have a great husband, who picks up the slack I leave behind in parenting, its a lot of work.  And I couldn't do it without him, I couldn't have all these hopes and dreams, and goals for them if he wasn't wiling to be a step up for me.

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