Friday, September 17, 2010

More Rumble Thoughts

  • I asked my son to help us teach Nan to talk, he says, she's learning.  Meaning, I see nothing wrong with my sister's language development.
  • I think my previous account might have sounded too harsh, the doctor said Nan seemed ahead of her age in her motor skills, we just need to get her talking. 
  • In my Bloody Jack books, when something has gone bad for Jacky, she mentions the black cloud of despair that she needs to fight off.  I know exactly how she feels, I thought the MBA would be easier for me this year.  But no, I already find myself needing to fight off the black cloud of despair.  
  • That being said, I know I am stronger than I was last year, and can endure more.  For one I once again want to travel with my husband, while last year I didn't want to travel.
  • Even with that, I adore my children, and my husband, the despair comes from not having every minute of every day to do fun things with my husband.  Although I'm sure if I had that it wouldn't seem all its cracked up to be.
  • I absolutely love the stages my children are in, but that doesn't mean I don't get mad at them for being poky during bedtime
  • You know how people like a hundred years ago use to say, "Idle hands are the devil's tools."  Well they also say that in the Jacky Faber books.  I'm starting to see the wisdom of that, when my hands are idle I start to get the black cloud of despair, or doom or whatever she calls.  I'm to so good at cleaning or cooking without my husband around.
  • My husband came home at 2, to work at home, I fell asleep.  He watched our daughter while I slept until 5.  Man I was tired, I could barely pour myself out of bed. Maybe I don't feel despair, I just am EXHAUSTED.
  • There is nothing better, than getting a book from the library that you really want to read, that is brand new.  The pleasure of reading a brand new book without paying for it.  The date stamped on top is Aug 2010.

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