Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Praise

More thing that my baby is up to. She loves to wear other people's shoes, and is quite talented at it. She wears my large shoes all the time, so she was up to the challenged to wear her aunt's high heals.
It was pretty dang cute to hear her clomping around my grandma's kitchen so proud of her shoe find. Ever since then she has learned how to walk tip toed. After a few times of me saying tippy tippy toes, she realized what tip toes meant. Now if I say it she will get up on her tippy toes, she prances all over the house in her tippy toes.
She has also been a very diligent mother to cupcake baby lately. (The cabbage patch kid has frosting on his face to celebrate the 25th anniversary of cabbage patch kids. She loves cupcake baby. I think she might like boy baby dolls better than girls. I don't know the last few dolls she has picked out have been boy babies. Cupcake baby was a real steal at just a few bucks, he still had his hospital bracelets on. She was even sharing her blanket strings with him. She loves to pat his bum, and rock him and things like that.
Speaking of blanket strings I found her putting them in between her toes this morning. Ha ha, usually they are in her nose. She also knows where her toes and nose are, and belly, and depending on the day other things like eyes.

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