Thursday, March 31, 2011

Updates on the Two Year Old

Lastly, the other day I asked a friend to watch her while I went to preschool co-op with J.  My old babysitter moved so this was the first time this friend watched her.  When she dropped her off, she said, she's so dainty.  Its so cute! I said I know isn't she?!  I don't think I'm dainty at all, so I love it with her! But its true she is just naturally dainty, I love it!
 My Nan loves butterflies, she loves to dress as one and find them and each time she says, "buh-her-bye." Its so adorable in my opinion, the way she says it.  This girl is all about function over form, if its uncomfortable she is not doing it, except she will wear her "butterfly" wings in her carseat?!  My real favorite is when she finds a blue butterfly.
This picture was taken back in January.  My cousin's wife put a picture of their little girl going to a pink birthday part in a pink dress and pink tights.  I thought it was so cute, I wanted to copy it and we just happened to have the right hand me downs in the closet.  I would have never thought on solid color, but its so cute on a little girl. Especially pale pink on a blondie.  (Here is the inspiration, she is the one on the left. I thought there was a picture of her walking.)

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