Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Can I just say I adore my husband.  Who knows what his expression means in this picture, but I know he adores me too.
He use to tease me my love language was quantity time not quality, well it turns out he likes quantity time almost as much as me. It was just he was the only with a life for so many years of our marriage, now that I have a life too, he wants to spend just as much time with me, as I do with him. I always knew he loved spending time we me, but now I just laugh. When I come home after being out with friends, he can't wait for me to be back. Mind you its hardly like I'm leaving him all the time, maybe three times a month.  Which is less than he is gone, with his various interests.
P.S. I think he has really dreamy black hair. I tell him that all the time.

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