Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today in church, this older man in our ward gave a talk on Humility. He told a story about taking his grandson to the toy store, and his grandson was waited by the counter forever, being ignored not being able to make his purchase. Finally this man, the grandfather went up to his grandson so the clerk would notice him. A man behind him said, hey we have been waiting in line. This man in our ward said, at earlier points in his life he would have said hey buddy, I've watched my grandson be ignored for long enough. But instead, he apologized profusely to the man, and asked him if they were still friends. The other man said no we aren't friends. Once again the man in my ward profusely apologized, and asked if they could still be friends.
I have thought a lot about this story. At first I thought why didn't you say hey buddy. Then I thought is apologizing even if you aren't in the wrong actually humility? I've come to realize yes it is. After a half of day of thinking about this story, and my reaction to similar events. I remembered the movie before the Draper Temple open house, it first mention the Kirtland temple and how sad the saints were to leave it because of persecution. It next listed off the Nauvoo temple and said sadly the saints had to leave that too, also from persecution. It never mentioned that the mobs burned down the temple. That bothered me at first, but I quickly forgot as the movie progressed. I realized the church was showing humility. The church was not trying to settle the score, or look for sympathy, the church was trying to humbly teach why we value temples so much.
Being a younger child in a large family, I always wanted the score settled, I wanted the last word, I wanted justice. But that is not humility. Hopefully I can better in the future. Luckily I have made progress since I've been a child. Being a wife and mother has taught me a lot about humility. I do KNOW that is more important to apologize than to be right. I try to do that, but sadly I fail to often. Luckily even though the church teaches perfection, it does not demand it, only effort. Thank goodness for the atonement.


  1. I try to learn the apology thing from my husband. He is so great about apologizing and making things good with people even when he isn't in the wrong and I am definitely the "HEY BUDDY!" type...

  2. What a great post... I think I will will have to ponder this a bit and apply it. Thanks.
