Friday, November 13, 2009

The Farm

I needed out of the house today, and I needed something that wasn't a retail store.
We went to "The Farm".
It being fall and all, I didn't know if they would have animals, I told my son there would be no baby animals. Turns out there were! Baby Piglets, they were so cute!
And some really big mamas.
Plus plenty of chickens.
There is something about the farm, that ends up be idyllic. I love that you feel "like you are wandering around someone's backyard", the NO FEEDING animal signs everywhere, and the fact that is free, you can't really hear the traffic at the end of the block, and you only see about three other people other than farm hands while you are there. The animals are just going about there business, they are not looking for quarter hand out of grain. The animals are really well taken care of and happy looking, since most are FFA projects. In my opinion Petting Zoos never turn out to be idyllic, I love that its not a petting zoo and its free.
We scored big time, I think. During October they had a pumpkin patch and a hay maze, that cost money but there were still there, unmanned, and free.
Can you see my three and half year old wandering in these maze pictures? He loved it, he LOVES mazes right now.

And really it is still the season for corn and pumpkins, its November-- Thanksgiving time.

This is the best I could do at getting pictures of both of them.

See it was a good day, because I uploaded more than four pictures.
We ended our adventure by stopping at the store for donuts. It was great.

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