Thursday, February 11, 2016

His Busy Schedule Snowed Out

Last week we got a lot of snow. Like a lot of snow, like 20 inches a lot of snow. School was cancelled for three days, then the kids had a late start on Thursday, and then on Friday because we got two more inches and another late start.

My oldest was relieved school was cancelled, at that point we really knew he had too much on his schedule. This child has never been excited about school being cancelled. Two days into it we realized why he had a research paper due on Monday that he was STILL working on. He finally finished it Wednesday. At this point Brent completely agreed, something has got to change. So we decided we would finally talk to the Gifted Education Teacher.

We also discussed with our 4th grader that he had just too much on his plate and in the future it would not continue that way. We talked about how we all have to pick and choose what we have time for and we don't always have time to do the things we love to do. He cried quite a bit, I think my husband wanted him to pick an activity to drop, but I told the 4th grader he didn't have to drop anything but in the future we wouldn't be signed up for so much. (Chess club will be over in two weeks so that will help.)

To be continued....

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