But I've still be reading, not very challenging literature, but still reading. These are the books I've read since my baby was born.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Out of all the Percy Jackson books this is the least memorable of them for me. I did enjoy the new characters, the Hunters, Nico and Bianca. At the end when Percy and Nico are talking, I though Nico has so cool skills. Lets have a spin off series about the Hunters.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was my favorite Percy Jackson book, although my 8 year old found it to be the oddest of all of them. He told me every couple of hours Percy Jackson books are getting really weird. I liked when they ended up at the Cattle ranch; I liked the introduction of middle aged adult demi-gods. Its nice to know not all the heros are killed as kids or teenagers. Considering where I lived, I loved when they ended up in the Garden of the Gods, and then the mining museum that is down the street from me!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
At first I found this book annoying. The characters acted like such teenagers, imagine that in teenfic. Then I totally got into it, and was so obsessed with their Heist. This book is super fun if you like heist stories. I love heist movies, and I'm currently watching White Collar on netflix, so I could see all the plot details weave in and out like a movie. Plus the book talks about Nazi stolen art, which is the season of White Collar I'm on. Very cute, and clean. Although not the most challenging of literary work. Also I hated the cover, that girl does not look like she is 15, like the main character.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book really dragged for me, it was hard for me to get into. I decided being a son of Hades is way cooler than a son of Poseidon. My 8 year old disagrees, thinking the being the son of Poseidon is the best, but the kids of Hades has a lot of awesome talents/gifts, while Poseidon children only have water powers. As far as I can tell Zeus's kids are the least cool out of the three main gods. Nico was definitely my favorite character out of the series, I wish there was more about him.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Book 2, I'm not sure what I should say. I enjoyed it a lot. They mostly fixed my cover complaint, it looks much more like a 15 year old acting like an adult. I liked that book 2, was shorter than book 1. I get annoyed at series where each book gets increasingly longer. It was a fun read, and still clean.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
These books are so fun. I didn't want it to end, except for Hale's sake I did want it to end. I almost cried in the book, except I was so shocked I couldn't My husband says I'm heartless because I don't cry in books about a boy and his dog, so I'm not sure if my near crying means I'm heartless or not. I don't want to include any spoilers so I won't say when, but you'll know when you get there. Anyway, Kat and Hale have another adventure with their friends. I liked that Bobby Bishop played a bigger role in the plot.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I've only been reading this series for 7 years, but the other day I finally FINISHED! I reread the whole series before reading this last book. Sometimes I felt like he had too many characters, and I started to wonder where the heck he was going with the story, especially when it came to the island of Danu Talis. But then when it finished, I loved it. So here is the break down of how I feel about the characters (the immortal humans, not the Elders).
Nicholas Flamel- sort of lame,
Perenelle Flamel- one of my favorite characters and her love story with Nicholas is his only saving grace. I love their story together, and that they can't imagine life one day without each other. I love that she is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter. I love that she is more powerful than her husband.
Josh Newman- blah, he is annoying, and his teenage angst and jealousy of his sister is more annoying, but then by the time he grows up in the period of a week I liked him. I liked who he became, in fact I love it!
Sophie Newman- not as angsty so not as annoying. But she does have that big sister know it all attitude so that is annoying. I despised her name, but then I looked it up, Sophie means wisdom, so then I got why the author picked it. Josh means salvation.
John Dee- Also not a fan of this character. In fact as I read the book I wondered why I was even reading the book since I don't like most of the main characters
Aunt Agnes- All I can say is totally didn't see it coming.
Scathach- I think I liked her, she had some tragic flaws so she was more likable than annoying.
Niccolò Machiavelli- I really liked Machiavelli. I'm not sure how much of that was from previous opinions. I found studying The Prince in Political Theory quite interesting. I liked the way the author painted the character.
Comte de Saint-Germain- I'm not a fan of his. He is too proud, which I believe is the way he is suppose to be. I also think I would hate the way he dressed.
Joan of Arc- unlike Perenelle her marriage doesn't make her more endearing. I like her friendship with Scatty but not St. Germain.
Palamedes- I feel like there isn't too much of a description of him. But he is super awesome and hard core.
Shakespeare- I loved when he showed up in the story, but overall I don't have an opinion of him.
Billy the Kid- I love Billy so much, I could read about his part of the story forever. Overall I think I'm just a true blooded American, I loved all the immortal American characters.
Gilgamesh the King- So tragic, how could you not love him?
Aoife- I liked her much more than her twin sister. I'm not sure why.
Niten- The reason I love Aoife more. I guess I love the quiet silent not alpha male. I would have love to read more about them.
Virginia Dare- one of my favorite characters. Her flaws were so tragic, I was so intrigued by her story, and loved what she ended up standing for; Liberty, so founding American.
Black Hawk- I don't know much about him, but if he is friends with Billy and Virginia, he's alright in my book.
Marethyu- So much I don't understand about him, I should reread this last book.
Isis and Osiris- I think they were written to be annoying, not annoying immature. I feel like I should reread to understand them better.
Tsagaglalal- I'm not sure how I should have pictured her in my mind.
My oldest is now reading the series. Normally he reads series faster than me, so I can discuss it with him. This time I made him wait until I was almost finished. I was rereading number 5, when I finally let him read 1. Now I'm waiting with baited breath, so say, "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" I totally didn't expect the twists and turns in this book.
View all my reviews
P.S. I need to remember my books label.
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