Monday, January 20, 2014

37 Weeks

Last sunday, January 12th 2014, I was 37 weeks.  I wanted a picture of me 9 months pregnant with my toddler.  He has spent so much of his life trying to cuddle with his mom around her belly, it needed to be documented.  
18 month olds are my favorite age, I'm actually worried, I won't care about my infant, because I'll be too infatuated with my young toddler. Infants are not really my favorite age.

 Then of course my 5 year old wanted to join the photo action. Our outfits match, I'm not sure if she does it on purpose or not, but we spend about half our life in matching outfits.
I'm pretty small this pregnancy, I'm small all my pregnancies, but this one smaller.  Nat's and this one I was by far the smallest.  My first pregnancy I got all bloated the last few weeks, and then Mr. A, he was just a huge baby.  But I've still gained 40 lbs with all my boys, so who knows why I look small this pregnancy.  (I only gained 30 with my daughter, it was a hard pregnancy so I don't think it was as healthy actually which is why I didn't gain as much.)

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