Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I do a terrible job of keeping track of my family's history. But it should be said today, November 19, J finished the Book of Mormon. We started reading it with him when he was a sunbeam, so when he was 4. About 6 months ago he decided he wanted to finish it before he turned 8. Last month we did the math, he needed to read two pages a night to finish it. As a family we were only doing 8 verses a night, so he needed to finish the 2 pages on his own. (He would knock out a few chapters a week during sacrament meeting ) Once we finished Helaman, he took off. In less than 2 weeks he on his own read 3 Nephi, 4 Nephi, Mormon, Ether, and Moroni.
This morning at breakfast we all individually told him congratulations, now we can start on 1 Nephi again. (We also had longer conversations about his awesomeness) But even his not quite 5 year old sister said it. She said it first, well she said now you have to start over. I loved that even she knows you never stop reading the book of Mormon.

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