Thursday, August 9, 2012


I had a baby on Tuesday.
It was my third.
We had him in the hospital.  He was born not breathing with the cord around his neck like his sister.  It was less scary this time, but still I was concerned.  I feel very blessed to live somewhere with competent hospitals who get "blue" babies breathing very quickly.  My husband asked the nursed how common is it for babies to be born with the cord around their neck.  She guessed about 20%.  Well we are 2 for 3, and they thought the first had the cord around his neck, but he was fine.  I don't know what it is about my cords.... or babies.  None the less, I know some don't like hospitals, but boy am I grateful to have my babies in them.  I'm also extremely grateful for infant resuscitation. I'm also grateful they let me leave 24 hours later, I have no desire to hang out longer than needed.  I honestly wouldn't have minded leaving more like 18 hours later.
The baby and I are doing great.  I don't do pregnancy well, I'm even worse at labor, but I do do recovery well.
By the way, its a boy, he is huge.  9 lbs 2 oz.  My other two were 7 lbs 8 oz.  I love him lots and just want to  kiss his fat cheeks.
Maybe I'll post pictures tomorrow, maybe I'll be too tired because we have to go to the pediatrician for a check up.

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