Friday, July 1, 2016

Three year old's confidence

Yesterday Turbo was a nightmare, all morning long. We ran two errands and then we were going to stop at the library. He didn't want to stop and so he was screaming in his carseat. I told him J wanted to go and so I told him we could go. Turbo didn't want to go though, he wanted to go back to grammy's. I told him not until we went to the library. More screaming. So I dropped J off at the door (Grammy, his sister and cousins were inside) and was planning to sit in the car with screaming Turbo. (Poor Ikey)
We pull into a parking spot and Turbo asks why aren't we getting out? Because you said you didn't want to go, and I'm not taking you in there if you are screaming.
He stopped screaming and told me, I just want to go to Toddler time, you never take me to toddler time anymore.
I didn't know you still liked toddler time, I didn't think you liked it so I was giving you a break. He replied he still liked it, and wanted to go.
I said, there probably is not any toddler time going on right now and we will have to look up the time and come back.

He confidently replied there is one.

We walked in the building and you'll never guess what was happening at exactly 11:30 am? Children and mothers were walking into Music and Movement for Toddlers. He knew there would one.
I asked if we had to pre-register. The librarian responded normally yes, but we have plenty of room today.

It seemed like a miracle.
My three year old was actually happy for an hour of his day.
I didn't want to throw him out the window for an hour of his day.

I think it was a miracle, I pondered on what it meant while I fell asleep.

The Lord blesses us even when we are angry at the world.
The Lord blesses us more than we comprehend. Even if we don't recognize a blessing doesn't mean it didn't happen.
We don't have to be happy to receive blessings.
The Lord gives us blessings even when other mortals don't think we deserve them.
The Lord loves my children more than I can comprehend.
The Lord wants my ornery child to be happy. (But I do believe he cares more about our progress then our happiness.)

Do you know how many days I thought, we need to go to the library before we actually went? I had only been planning to go for 6 days.

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