Thursday, September 23, 2010

Recently Inspired

I was recently inspired to focus on the good of my daughter, instead of the exhaustion she creates. Sure she cries just as much, but I'm trying to enjoy every moment she dances around the livivng room, or when she is trying to jump. A funny thing happened, I do enjoy her more, I see why my parents tell me she is so sweet, because she is if you can ignore the crying.  I've enjoyed her more, and enjoyed motherhood more.  Part of it comes with trying to get her to talk, since we make a big deal anytime she makes a noise that isn't a cry, and resembles a phonic, we clap and cheer for her.  Its helped me realize all the fun she is.

Not to mention we now know she is one of us. I thought we would go out and do fun things together while J was at school. She tells me no when I ask if she wants to go out. She just wants to sit in his bed reading books while he is gone. She is probably thinking finally some alone time! We know she is one of us because you will find her during the quiet parts of the day, reading her books.
Plus how could you not love this blonde cutie? Even if she needs a haircut.  When she isn't wanting to wear a dress, she picks out this Mit Jagger for baby girls outfit. She loves these clothes, and sure it doesn't look like Mit right now, just wait until you see her walking around.

By the way if you haven't noticed by all these daughter posts, motherhood does not come naturally for me.  Some women exude grace as a mother of young children, I more portray the first definition of exude (look it up), not the second. I try, and I guess that is what Heavenly Father wanted me to do.


  1. Good for you, that's awesome..although hard to do. LOL She is such a cutie and you are blessed for having to deal with a difficult child..but way a go to find the positive!!!

  2. I relate to how you feel. I can raise young children (I can!!) but I can't do it gracefully.
