Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Not at Book Group

This school semester, even though I'm in charge of book group I've only been once.  Either Brent was gone, or I was, three of the months. Plus I took one month off for maternity level.
But I've still be reading, not very challenging literature, but still reading. These are the books I've read since my baby was born.

The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #3)The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Out of all the Percy Jackson books this is the least memorable of them for me.  I did enjoy the new characters, the Hunters, Nico and Bianca.  At the end when Percy and Nico are talking, I though Nico has so cool skills. Lets have a spin off series about the Hunters.

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4)The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my favorite Percy Jackson book, although my 8 year old found it to be the oddest of all of them.  He told me every couple of hours Percy Jackson books are getting really weird.  I liked when they ended up at the Cattle ranch; I liked the introduction of middle aged adult demi-gods.  Its nice to know not all the heros are killed as kids or teenagers.  Considering where I lived, I loved when they ended up in the Garden of the Gods, and then the mining museum that is down the street from me!

Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)Heist Society by Ally Carter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first I found this book annoying.  The characters acted like such teenagers, imagine that in teenfic.  Then I totally got into it, and was so obsessed with their Heist.  This book is super fun if you like heist stories.  I love heist movies, and I'm currently watching White Collar on netflix, so I could see all the plot details weave in and out like a movie. Plus the book talks about Nazi stolen art, which is the season of White Collar I'm on. Very cute, and clean. Although not the most challenging of literary work. Also I hated the cover, that girl does not look like she is 15, like the main character.

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5)The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book really dragged for me, it was hard for me to get into. I decided being a son of Hades is way cooler than a son of Poseidon.  My 8 year old disagrees, thinking the being the son of Poseidon is the best, but the kids of Hades has a lot of awesome talents/gifts, while Poseidon children only have water powers.  As far as I can tell Zeus's kids are the least cool out of the three main gods.  Nico was definitely my favorite character out of the series, I wish there was more about him.

Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society, #2)Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book 2, I'm not sure what I should say.  I enjoyed it a lot.  They mostly fixed my cover complaint, it looks much more like a 15 year old acting like an adult.  I liked that book 2, was shorter than book 1.  I get annoyed at series where each book gets increasingly longer.  It was a fun read, and still clean.

Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society, #3)Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These books are so fun.  I didn't want it to end, except for Hale's sake I did want it to end.  I almost cried in the book, except I was so shocked I couldn't  My husband says I'm heartless because I don't cry in books about a boy and his dog, so I'm not sure if my near crying means I'm heartless or not. I don't want to include any spoilers so I won't say when, but you'll know when you get there.  Anyway, Kat and Hale have another adventure with their friends. I liked that Bobby Bishop played a bigger role in the plot.

The Enchantress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, #6)The Enchantress by Michael Scott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've only been reading this series for 7 years, but the other day I finally FINISHED! I reread the whole series before reading this last book. Sometimes I felt like he had too many characters, and I started to wonder where the heck he was going with the story, especially when it came to the island of Danu Talis.  But then when it finished, I loved it.  So here is the break down of how I feel about the characters (the immortal humans, not the Elders).
Nicholas Flamel- sort of lame,
Perenelle Flamel- one of my favorite characters and her love story with Nicholas is his only saving grace. I love their story together, and that they can't imagine life one day without each other.  I love that she is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter.  I love that she is more powerful than her husband.
Josh Newman- blah, he is annoying, and his teenage angst and jealousy of his sister is more annoying, but then by the time he grows up in the period of a week I liked him. I liked who he became, in fact I love it!
Sophie Newman- not as angsty so not as annoying. But she does have that big sister know it all attitude so that is annoying. I despised her name, but then I looked it up, Sophie means wisdom, so then I got why the author picked it.  Josh means salvation.
John Dee- Also not a fan of this character.  In fact as I read the book I wondered why I was even reading the book since I don't like most of the main characters
Aunt Agnes- All I can say is totally didn't see it coming.
Scathach- I think I liked her, she had some tragic flaws so she was more likable than annoying.
Niccolò Machiavelli-  I really liked Machiavelli.  I'm not sure how much of that was from previous opinions.  I found studying The Prince in Political Theory quite interesting.  I liked the way the author painted the character.
Comte de Saint-Germain- I'm not a fan of his. He is too proud, which I believe is the way he is suppose to be.  I also think I would hate the way he dressed.
Joan of Arc- unlike Perenelle her marriage doesn't make her more endearing. I like her friendship with Scatty but not St. Germain.
Palamedes- I feel like there isn't too much of a description of him. But he is super awesome and hard core.
Shakespeare- I loved when he showed up in the story, but overall I don't have an opinion of him.
Billy the Kid- I love Billy so much, I could read about his part of the story forever.  Overall I think I'm just a true blooded American, I loved all the immortal American characters.
Gilgamesh the King- So tragic, how could you not love him?
Aoife- I liked her much more than her twin sister.  I'm not sure why.
Niten- The reason I love Aoife more. I guess I love the quiet silent not alpha male. I would have love to read more about them.
Virginia Dare- one of my favorite characters.  Her flaws were so tragic, I was so intrigued by her story, and loved what she ended up standing for; Liberty, so founding American.
Black Hawk- I don't know much about him, but if he is friends with Billy and Virginia, he's alright in my book.
Marethyu- So much I don't understand about him, I should reread this last book.
Isis and Osiris- I think they were written to be annoying, not annoying immature.  I feel like I should reread to understand them better.
Tsagaglalal- I'm not sure how I should have pictured her in my mind.

My oldest is now reading the series.  Normally he reads series faster than me, so I can discuss it with him.  This time I made him wait until I was almost finished. I was rereading number 5, when I finally let him read 1.  Now I'm waiting with baited breath, so say, "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" I totally didn't expect the twists and turns in this book.

View all my reviews

P.S. I need to remember my books label.

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