I also cut my hair. I took this picture myself on the way out the door running my son to preschool. I thought man, I wish my hair looked that good at my cousin's wedding. Some days, my hair naturally looks great and some days it looks terrible, and I have no skills to improve it. The best thing about this picture is its slight overexposed so you can't see my chronic dark circles under my eyes.
My daughter also got her hair cut, which she wasn't too trilled about, but it was a huge improvement. It should have been cut 6 weeks ago. I think all her hair has finally grown in. Unfortunately her hair isn't as A line as I would have liked. The back length is great, but I like it wrap around her ears and its too short for that.
Here is the before, since the back has been there forever, and the front is still growing in, she was channeling some Mrs. Brady.
Ah, but the best story by far I almost forgot about. The day I was flying out to my cousin's wedding, my daughter literally spilled milk everywhere on the floor. Apparently no one noticed but mom, so even though I have to leave for the airport in 10 minutes, I wipe it up then grab the mop. This was all very exciting to the kids, I normally mop after they go to bed. So once I finished I let them use it while I finished getting all my stuff together. Well next thing I know, when I walk back into the kitchen they are moping the table! Ahh! gross. So I grab the mop then disinfect the table, and pretty much grab my suitcase and run out the door. It was a liberating morning, to say the least.
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