Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Losing Old Bunny

Sunday night the Brent and I were busy helping his mom with something that required two computers and one cell phone. The children were left to their own devices which either means two things, fighting or best friends. They were best friends Sunday night, they did something required a lot of running between their bed room and ours, laughter and crumbs in my bed. Bedtime came and J freaked out because we couldn't find old Bunny. We searched, he told us the last time he had it he was sitting in the rocking chair so we searched the LaZboy and every other chair and bed. We told him to pray. He did, then 10 minutes later he found a large old dirty coin from a foreign country. Instead of searching he told me all about his big penny. In a moment of inspiration I said ok, is that good enough to go to sleep with? He said yes, and with that bed was found. An answer to my prayer. The next morning he got ready for school fine and pleasant, until we walked out the door, the minute we got in the car he started yelling and crying about everything. It took me a half an hour to drop him off at preschool because he was mad and wouldn't stop crying. Luckily his preschool teacher is a paid professional so I eventually got out of there. Nan and I came home and started looking again for old bunny, I didn't know how long "the big penny" was going to work. But I gave up, because I was running out of places to look. When Nan came over fussing about Mr. Potato Head, she couldn't get his back to open. When I went to help her, I spied a miracle. Nan had saved the day. She was so happy that she was the one that found old Bunny. We took her picture. She proudly took it to her brother at the end of Preschool.

After preschool was over, I said maybe we shouldn't hid old bunny anymore. We always lose him when you put him in a hiding place. J responsed with, I'll just always remember his hiding place next time. (yeah, I'm not holding my breath on that.) J also said he missed old bunny so much he wanted to take him to the aquarium that afternoon. I said no, I don't want to lose him again. He said I'll never lose him again. We were home, a short 30 minutes later, J came crying he couldn't find old bunny. I said well start looking. Ten minutes later Nan was victorious again, she once again had found old bunny and proudly carried him to her brother. Now everytime she sees old bunny alone, she picks him up, shouts hooray and brings it to J. Unforuntately for her, he hasn't been lost again.

This all reminds me of the time, that I was pregnant with Nan, Brent was on a business trip and we lost Valentine's Bear.  I search the house house literally, I moved couches and everything, something I wasn't suppose to do be of my preterm contractions. I spent two hours looking for it.  I never did find it but eventually unloaded a whole toy box of stuff animals in his bed instead.  It worked if you count 10 pm a normal bedtime. It was almost more than my little hormonal pregnant body and mind could handle.  It was really quite terrible, we never did find that bear, not even when we moved, I think we must of left it at church at some point. Thank goodness old bunny wasn't gone forever, which is why old bunny is rarely allowed out of the house, and when he is allowed out he isn't allowed out of the car.

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember the ppst about Valentine's Breat. For a minute it sounded so familiar I wondered if it was a rehashing of a past event. I'm glad you remembered the similar incident as well. Kids are funny. I love that J said he'll remember in the future. HA! Kids.
