Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Never posted

Turns out I never posted any camping pictures.
Here is a our drive down.
A Tunnel, I loves tunnels, like seriously love. Even if they are short, the longer the better. Like seriously they put my heart a flutter.
Here is Dixie Forest, I thought it looked awesome and wanted to stop but my husband told me no time.
A rainbow, it rained on and off the whole time we were camping and we saw lots of rainbows.
Tah dah, almost there. Just another of hour of driving once we got in.

I love these pictures of my kids, and I loved them when they were being taken. You might be able to tell by my profile that I'm insanely happy.It was kind of cold outside and although I let my four year old get out without a coat, that seemed irresponsible to do with my baby. So I wrapped her in a blanket.Nothing like a headlock from your older sibling when you are still the baby. She looks so much like my dad's baby pictures in this shot I think, minus the headlock. My dad is the oldest so I doubt there was anyone to grab his head.
I love it, she looks like an Indian, I know racist sounding. But you know all those pictures of the Europeans infecting the Indians with blankets that what she looks like to me. Ahh, small pox.
Still continuing on our journey. I was pretty sure we were never going to make it to our campsite, that is why we couldn't stop in Dixie Forest.


  1. The West is so beautiful! Will we ever live there???

  2. haha you aren't racist sounding, I said Indian Giver on my blog just recently

    I wish the army hadn't ruined camping for Jake, I think your trips look so fun!
