Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In the kitchen

As a young child of 10ish, I remember telling people I'm not going to get married until I'm at least 25, I have things to do before that-- getting married young is silly. As I got older, at about age 14, I had sworn off marriage, it seemed good for nothing, except bring children in the world, something I had no interest in. I babysat usually 3 times a week, and had my fill of children for a lifetime. My husband doesn't believe me, but in Young Womens lessons about the importance of temple marriage, I was very honest in telling my leaders I didn't want to get married. (They never knew quite what to do with that information.) Other than cleaning the house I had no interested in domestic matters. I stopped helping in yard work at about age 13. I stopped baking probably by 12, and never did show much enthusiasm for cooking. My mother always planned on teaching me to cook, but despite her best efforts I was always too busy with school, part times jobs, friends or sunday naps.
Clearly my life path did not go according to plan. But the bizarre thing out of all of this is not that I got married and had children young. But in how satisfying I find cooking dinner for my family on a regular basis (notice I did not say nightly) and baking with my kids.
Today was successful if for nothing else, I fed my children hot cereal for breakfast, (Campbell's chicken noodle soup for lunch), homemade enchiladas (that they ate!) for dinner, with green beans, and my son and I baked homemade cookies tonight after putting the baby down.
(Speaking of which what makes cookie paddles so great Liz?)


  1. You know, I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know what is so great about them. I can't remember what it's like not to have them. I just know that when I got mine (3 years ago) I fell in love and wondered why the entire world doesn't use them. I decided I'd never attempt cookies without them again.
