Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Am I the only one?

Am I the only mom that finds herself hiding in her own house? After my son pooped in his naptime diaper, but didn't take a nap. I found myself in my cellar pantry, hiding, eating green apple licorice hoping my daughter was not crying. Since I can't hear anything downstairs I stayed for an extra two pieces, just to avoid the probable crying, and anything the almost three year old would be doing.
Luckily she wasn't, and I was able to mop half of the kitchen before she started, and finish the other half while she cried in her crib. Today was successful, I also cleaned the bathroom sink and the toilet. Amazing I know!


  1. I just put my babies in their beds b/c I needed some quiet time (they weren't tired just needy/whiny)... I am "hiding" in the living room watching a CSI re-run for the next thirty minutes til Jake comes home...

  2. You go girl!!

    Do you have a sling? I clean the house while holding the baby sometimes...they sleep right through it and I don't worry where they are.

  3. Yup, hiding in the computer room right now, and the day has only just begun.

  4. Yeah, I have a sling, but I don't like wearing it with a sweatshirt, so I'm not using it much.

  5. Yep, I hide too. My youngest has a severe attachment to me and demands that I hold her constantly. So, I hid from her in the laundry room for just a few minutes the other day while she cried for me. I know, so awful but I was about to lose my mind!
